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Chicken korma curry

60 mins


  1. Chop up your chicken breast and add to a non stick frying pan to cook
  2. Chop up the onion and add to frying pan with the chicken
  3. Once cooked add in the korma sauce, garlic, ginger, almonds, coriander, and sultanas
  4. Leave to cook on a low heat, with regular mixing for 30 minutes
  5. While your curry is cooking, boil your rice for 10 mins before its ready to serve up

Serves 1


  • 1 plain poppadom
  • 75g brown basmati rice
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tsp chopped garlic
  • 1 tsp of chopped ginger
  • 1 diced boneless chicken breast
  • 50g ground almonds
  • 1 tbsp sultanas
  • small bunch of coriander
  • 150g korma sauce

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