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High protein breakfast

20 mins


  1. Chop up 1 tomato and 1 mushroom and add to a non stick frying pan
  2. Add 3 heck chicken sausages to the pan and leave on a low heat
  3. Lightly whisk 2 large eggs, and 30ml of milk in a jug until the mixture has a smooth consistency
  4. Heat up another non stick pan and add in the egg mixture
  5. Continue to stir the egg mixture until cooked for approx 10 mins, in the last minute fold in the chopped smoked salmon and black pepper
  6. While cooking the scrambled egg make sure to keep turning and mixing the tomato, mushrooms and sausages
  7. Now serve,and add the chopped avocado

Serves 1


  • 1 tomato
  • 1 mushroom
  • 3 heck chicken sausages
  • 1 slice smoked salmon
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 large eggs
  • 30ml unsweetened almond Milk
  • Black pepper

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