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Banana Flapjack

12 hours


  1. Grab a mixing bowl and add in the weighed out oats, followed by the crushed bananas, melted butter, syrup, sweetener and cinnamon
  2. Mix together and place in a grease proofed baking tray
  3. Push down on the mixture in the tray with the back of a spoon until the mixture is hard and even
  4. Melt your chocolate and pour over the top
  5. Now place in the fridge to set overnight (or 4-6 hours minimum)
  6. Cut up into 8 pieces and enjoy

Serves 8, calorie information based on 1 piece


  • 250g rolled oats
  • 2 bananas
  • 20g sweetener
  • 70ml 'skinny food co' syrup (or maple syrup - but slighty higher in calories)
  • 80g unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 40g milk chocolate

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