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Pesto Courgetti

15 mins


  1. To make the pesto - add all the weighed out ingredients to a food processor / blender and mix until smooth
  2. Chop up the onion and add to a non stick frying pan with, 1 cal cooking spray
  3. Add in the turkey mince to the frying pan and cook until white
  4. Add the courgetti to the microwave for 4 mins
  5. While the courgetti is heating up, add the pesto to the frying pan
  6. Finally once the courgetti is done, add this into the frying pan and mix well before serving

Serves 1


  • 125g (2% fat) turkey mince
  • 100g courgetti
  • 1 onion

For the skinny pesto:

  • 1 handful of basil
  • 1 tbsp of walnuts
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 20g parmesan
  • Salt and pepper

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