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Pumpkin soup

20 mins


  1. Chop up the onion and add to a hot frying pan with 1 cal cooking spray and leave for approx 3 mins so the onion can soften and brown
  2. Now add in the dissolved vegetable stock, creme frache and chopped pumpkin
  3. Season with cumin and the salt and pepper and stir regularly on a low heat for approx 5 more mins
  4. Allow the contents to cool slightly before adding it to a blender
  5. Blend the mixture until smooth
  6. Add the mixture into a saucepan to re heat when you're ready to serve
  7. Serve with added pumpkin seeds and creme fraiche / cream

Serves 4, calories based on 1 serving size


  • 1kg Pumpkin
  • 500ml vegetable stock
  • 150ml lighter creme fraiche (vegan alternative if applicable)
  • 1 large onion
  • Handful of pumpkin seeds
  • Pinch of Salt and pepper
  • Pinch of Cumin

Optional - you can also add carrots and other vegetables

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